About us

Who we are

Meet the team

Our advisory board

Kerry Constabile

What is Rethinking Removals?

Rethinking Removals is a collaborative not-for-profit organisation. We support the exponential growth of the carbon removal industry so it can have climate impact. We:

  • Identify what needs to be implemented or unblocked to accelerate progress. 
  • Reframe the way carbon removals are seen, by creating space for difficult conversations around the often toxic issues that are holding back progress.
  • Activate the high leverage pressure points where intervention has maximum impact.
  • Work with many different partners to make change happen on the ground.

We want to amplify the efforts of the amazing people working to make carbon removals a reality. Get in touch – we love to talk!

Six specific and interrelated outcomes we want to achieve:

How we are funded

Rethinking Removals is a not-for-profit organisation. It is supported by membership fees from the Doers Club, grants from the Quadrature Climate Foundation, Lob’s Charity, Fred Mulder Foundation and private donors. We also have pro bono contributions from CUR8, Carbon Gap, Climate Action Platform Africa, Exponential Roadmap Initiative and OpenAir Collective.

We are currently working on funding for the 2025 programme. If you are interested in supporting us, please get in touch.