We can't get to net zero without carbon removals
So how do we get carbon removals right?
Getting positive about carbon negative
Introducing the Rethinking Removals Doers Club

Translating insights into action

Rethinking Removals works across the entire ecosystem to accelerate carbon removals to the billion tonne scale by 2030.

We are a non-profit organisation with an entrepreneurial and pragmatic approach. We have convened hundreds of conversations to work out what is needed to accelerate the scale-up of effective carbon removals. We initiate, coordinate and drive solutions, amplifying the efforts of the ecosystem.

We understand deeply the people trying to make carbon removals happen on the ground. We take their needs into the wider climate, rule-setting and policy world, convene safe-space conversations and dialogues, and weave the results into new narratives and initiatives that reshape thinking and dramatically accelerate action.

Join us at events around COP26

Talk to us at these upcoming events designed to get carbon removals on to the agenda and done right.

Carbon Removals at COP28

Carbon Removals at COP is back! The online platform dedicated to bringing you what is happening in the world of carbon removals at COP28 and beyond.

Shifting from if to how

The IPCC tells us we’ve got to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to have a chance of keeping 1.5 degrees alive AND we must remove substantial amounts of CO2 from the air. It’s not an either/or choice -- we need both.

Pioneers in the Global South

Watch the Futures Lab event that got everyone at COP27 talking about carbon removals in Africa - Carbon Removals: Pioneers in the Global South.

The Great Carbon Credit Debate

Gabrielle Walker features among many other high level speakers in this TED Countdown film that asks the question, 'Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future?'

Carbon Removals at COP

Introducing Carbon Removals at COP, the online platform dedicated to carbon dioxide removal that has been launched ahead of COP27 Egypt. #CDRatCOP27

Africa Climate Week

African Climate Week starts today and the Rethinking Removals team are on the ground delivering an event on scaling carbon removals.

How carbon credits could actually help fight climate change

Carbon credits should be one of our best tools to fight climate change - if we use them right

Carbon removals: How to distinguish the good, the bad and the very ugly

In June, TED Countdown hosted a Dilemma Session in New York focusing on the role of carbon credits in climate action. Gabrielle Walker and Delia Meth-Cohn of Rethinking Removals joined forces with Julio Friedmann (Carbon Direct) and Eli Mitchell-Larson (Carbon Gap) to design and present a workshop on carbon removals. We were aiming to focus on understanding quality criteria such as additionality and durability - but we started by looking at why we see carbon removals as a source of hope for climate action, not as climate denial or and moral hazard.

Here, Delia takes us through the stages of that event.

Discover the Great Carbon Valley

Social entrepreneur James Mwangi tells us why Africa could be the ideal home for scaling the latest carbon removals technologies to a planetary level

Six areas for action on carbon removals

We know what needs to be done - now we have to do it

Reimagining carbon removals

At COP26 we ran a UNFCCC Futures Lab on reimagining carbon removals. An amazing group of speakers described their vision of a 2050 future where removals had helped achieve net zero, brought the Global South into the heart of climate action, leveraged the best of nature and tech and complemented robust reduction pathways.

What we learnt at TED and COP

Carbon removals was not on the official agenda at COP26, but the emerging ecosystem was out in force - and collaborating ever more closely - at both COP and TED Countdown.

Your guide to carbon removals at COP26

Carbon removal is not on the official agenda at COP26, but it’s being talked about a lot around the edges. We teamed up with our friends at Carbon Removal Advocacy Europe (launching under a new name at COP!) to pull together all the side-events we could find focusing on carbon removals.

Join us in rethinking carbon removals

Climate science shows unequivocally that there is a big missing piece in the efforts to achieve net zero and meet the Paris climate goals. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, we will also have to remove very substantial amounts of carbon from the air and store it somewhere safe.

Getting excited about carbon removals

In our conversation with Nigel Topping, Ugbaad Koser, Eli Mitchell-Larson and Patrick Buergi, we started thinking about all the different mindsets that are needed to pour positive energy into carbon removals.

Embracing an exponential mindset

Nigel Topping, UN High-Level Climate Action Champion for COP26, launches our conversations with a fascinating look at how carbon removals fit into climate action and what it will take to get to scale.

Since we need removals to get to net zero, how can we do them right?

No matter how fast we go on reducing emissions, science tells us that we will need to remove carbon on a gigatonne scale to stay within 1.5°C. It's a polarizing topic, but we urgently have to agree on how to tackle this challenge.

TED Talk: Climate healing

In this TED talk, Gabrielle Walker, Director of Valence Solutions and Founder of Rethinking Removals, will explore what it will take to remove carbon from the sky - and do it permanently and at scale, until the climate starts healing.

Getting positive about carbon negative. How do we get removals right?

Carbon removals raises lots of difficult questions. It’s tempting to turn away, but this session will look the issue squarely in the eye and ask: since we need removals to get to net zero, how can we do them right?

What we've been up to

Here’s a flavour of the conversations we’ve been having recently

Our Partners

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We need to unblock demand for carbon removals

The window of opportunity for scaling carbon removals is closing. Work with us to ensure carbon removals are available when and where we will need them.

If you are interested in working with us or supporting us, get in touch.